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Together in love and faith

Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 2's class page!


If you have any questions or concerns please come and speak to me at the end of the day or call the school office to arrange an appointment.

Miss Daley :)

P.E Days

Year 2 P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Reading is a crucial way in which you can help your child at home. Please read with your child every night, even if it is only for 10 minutes! 

What's been going on in Year 2...

A great first day back! We have spent the day getting to know each and looking forward to the year ahead!


It is vital that children are completing their small Homework tasks that are set weekly. These are used as a consolidation of what we have learnt throughout the week. Please see below for reminders.

HOMEWORK - Every FRIDAY homework will be set on DB Primary. Please can all homework be completed by the following WEDNESDAY. 

READING - children will read their individual reading books to an adult each week. Children will also enjoy lots of reading for pleasure, during daily phonic sessions, weekly school library visits and other opportunities throughout the wider curriculum.


Year 2 will be exploring 'A River' this half term.

Key skills involve:

  • ​noun phrases
  • question marks
  • co-ordination (and, or, so, but)


We will be thinking about place value this half term during maths.

We are also introducing '4 A Day,' which focuses on fluency. 

The Vine and the Branches


This half term in R.E. we will be exploring Creation and Covenant.

Celebrating God's world and being part of His wonderful family.

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