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Together in love and faith

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's class page! I hope you all had a lovely summer!

I am looking forward to the year ahead.


If you have any questions or concerns please come and speak to me at the end of the day or call the school office to arrange an appointment.

Miss Daley :)

What's Happening in Year 2...

Autumn 1

Please keep an eye out for dates for the following this half term - 

Year group meetings

Harvest Festival

Year 2 Parent Lunch

Useful letters & documents

You can find termly newsletters and other useful documents here...

P.E Days

Year 2 P.E. days are Wednesday and Friday.


Reading is a crucial way in which you can help your child at home. Please read with your child every night, even if it is only for 10 minutes! 


It is vital that children are completing their small Homework tasks that are set weekly. These are used as a consolidation of what we have learnt throughout the week. Please see below for reminders.

HOMEWORK - Every FRIDAY homework will be set on DB Primary. Please can all homework be completed by the following WEDNESDAY. 

READING - children will read their individual reading books to an adult each week. Children will also enjoy lots of reading for pleasure, during daily phonic sessions and accross the curriculum.

The Way, The Truth and the Life.

At St Clement's we follow 'The Way the Truth, The Life' scheme in RE. The children cover a different topic each term as shown below. 

Autumn 1

The Chosen People

About this topic

This topic is designed to help the children appreciate that they are chosen and gifted by God to do him some definite service: to help others. It also develops the children’s knowledge of Abraham, Moses and Daniel and gives some understanding of their faith and trust in God.


Autumn 2


About this topic

This topic is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the term ‘mystery’ and of the Christian understanding of God as ‘Trinity’. The topic goes on to outline the story of Jesus’ birth and the role played by the Father and the Holy Spirit through the characters of Mary and Joseph.

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