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Together in love and faith

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome back! It is great to see everyone again as part of Year 4.

You will get to explore exciting new topics as well as taking on responsibilities within the class, as you continue to develop your understanding of all subjects. We will be taking learning outside the classroom were possible, inviting expert speakers in as well as our exciting residential!

As always we want you to feel supported and part of our family to continue your educational journey.

 I’m Mr McClements who will be your class teacher for Year 4.

Mrs Mayers and Mrs Logan will be supporting Y4 and they will be working with all of you during this term.

We are also lucky enough to have Miss Bell supporting Year 3 and 4, covering PPA and helping with interventions.

Important Dates and Events

PE: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Spelling test: Every Friday. New spelling lists will be given out on Fridays following the test. These will be stuck into green books, which should be brought home and back every Friday.


Times tables: With times tables being a priority in Year 4, there will be different learning activities throughout the week and a test every Friday. With the multiplication check fast approaching, children will be tested on their recall speed on all tables up to 12x12.


School trip: A new family run venue has been chosen this year for the Year 4 trip to Crosby Hall Educational Trust will take place 7th-9th October. Letters with more information on what to pack will be provided soon.

Autumn News

Homework will consist of Reading, Spelling and Times Tables and must be completed by the following Thursday.

Please read with your child every evening and sign their diary (children can write comments in their diaries too!). Reading books and diaries should be brought into school every day and books can be changed once they have been finished.

Spellings will be set every week, and sent home on Fridays - they will be stuck into green spelling books with the test taking place the following Friday.

Times tables will be a big focus in Year 4 - try to play games at home and practise speed. TT Rockstars and Hit the Button are great games to practise with! Logins for TTRockstars will be stuck into Reading Diaries to enable login at home.

Thank you.

Mr McClements

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