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Together in love and faith

Year 3

Welcome to the class page for Year 3, here you will find out some information about the curriculum and class expectations.

In Year 3, we will be aiming to develop our independence as we make the transition into Key Stage 2.  As well as consolidating learning from Key Stage 1, we will aim to provide engaging and exciting learning opportunities to allow everyone to experience success. There will be plenty of opportunites for first hand experiences, practical work, investigating and exploring.

Please take a look at our updated newsletter to find out what we shall be doing this term! I hope you find this page useful, however if you have any questions feel free to contact me at the end of the school day or contact the school office. 

Miss Bell.


Teaching Staff - Miss Bell

Teaching Assistant - Miss Rimmer

PPA Cover - Mr Ray


Over the next couple of weeks we will be issuing Log Ins and passwords for the following:

- DB Primary 

- Times Table Rockstars

Literacy and Maths homework shall be issued via DB Primary every Friday to be due for the following Wednesday. 

Reading - Children are asked to please read their school banded book every evening. Reading diaries shall be checked to ensure this is happening. Books shall be changed when required. Children must bring their books and diaries to school daily. They will be reminded regularly about this! 

Times table practise - This should be happening regularly at home to make sure children are confident with the 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 x tables.

Thank you.


PE is now on a

Wednesday and Thursday,

Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit to school on these days.


The Way, The Truth and The Life

Summer 1. 

Our topic this half term is 'Celebrating Easter and Pentecost'. This topic is designed to help children understand the resurrection and the importance of the Holy Spirit. 

Summer 2. 

Our topic this half term is 'Being a Christian'. This topic is designed to help children understand the importance of St Peter and Paul and to recognise how the Seven Blessed Sacraments are part of being closer to God.


Spellings will be given to children fortnightly.  We will be focussing on spelling patterns and common exceptions words. 

A list of 10 new spellings are given on a Monday to be tested on the Friday the following week. 

Please ensure you practise regularly with your child.

Good News!

Year 3 have had a wonderful academic year so far. 

We have been fortunate enough to enjoy a visit from the Wriggly Roadshow! Having the opportunity to learn all about different mammals and reptiles which linked to our Science topic 'Animals including Humans'. The children were very brave and held an array of lizards, snakes and other creepy crawlies! 

We have created some incredible recycled art work for the Halton Primary Arts Network, which was displayed in the local shopping city. Used plastic bottles were trimmed and covered in tissue paper to form incredible rainbow fish! Miss Bell was very impressed with the children's efforts. 

Year 3 are becoming super swimmers. Enjoying their first set of lessons at the local swimming pool and really pushing themselves to succeed! Mr Ray has been amazed with the children's perseverance and enthusiasm. 

In our Literacy lessons this half term we have been exploring 'Egyptian Mystery narratives'. The children have enjoyed learning about Egyptian Gods and Godessess and how archaeologists work. They have been able to use a range of literary devices to write captivating and interesting pieces. 

In Maths, Year 3 have been working hard on Fractions. Exploring unit and non - unit fractions and how to make a whole. Miss Bell is very pleased with how the children have been able to tackle this new unit and show a brilliant understanding of new methods and strategies. 

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