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Together in love and faith

Year 3

Welcome to the class page for Year 3, here you will find out some information about the curriculum and class expectations.

In Year 3, we will be aiming to develop our independence as we make the transition into Key Stage 2.  As well as consolidating learning from Key Stage 1, we will aim to provide engaging and exciting learning opportunities to allow everyone to experience success. There will be plenty of opportunites for first hand experiences, practical work, investigating and exploring.

Mr Tobin.


Teaching Staff - Mr Tobin

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Lawrence-Rimmer

PPA Cover - Miss Bell


PE is on a

Monday and Thursday,

Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit to school on these days.



Children are asked to please read their school banded book every evening. Reading diaries shall be checked to ensure this is happening.

Books shall be changed when required. Children must bring their books and diaries to school daily. They will be reminded regularly about this! 

Times Tables

This should be happening regularly at home to make sure children are confident with the 2, 5 and 10 x tables


Spellings will be given to children each week.  We will be focussing on spelling patterns and common exceptions words. 

A list of 10 new spellings are given on a Friday to be tested on the Friday the following week. 

Please ensure you practise regularly with your child.

The Vine & The Branches

Creation and Covenant

In the Branch, the children learn about the creation of the world. We learn how God created the world out of nothing and called all things into being, All things were created through him and for him.

Prophecy and Promise

In this Branch, we learn about the importance of Sunday, what happens at Holy Mass and what Advent is.

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