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Together in love and faith

Summer Term

Welcome to the Year 5 page! We have had a busy and action packed year so far, and just completed a fun filled Mission Week. We have studied a range of new topics including the Vikings, a character who was given a mission to grow seeds, explored space and the biomes of our planet. We have also enjoyed a range of practical learning sessions including; Drumba, VR History, Visits to Jodrell Bank and the Town Hall as well as our own Shakespeare performance.

I hope you find this page useful but as ever, if you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to ring school or speak to me.

Summer topics

In English we have be exploring The lost book of adventure. We created a survival narrative and are looking ahead to our next story King Kong.

In Maths the children have been developing their knowledge of Percentages, angles and Geometry. The next few topics involve shape, measure and reflection.

In Science, we have been learning about Living things and their habitats, with the final topic focusing on Animals including Humans.

In Art the children developed their sketching skills by visitng the Town Hall for inspiration into architecture. 

Looking forward, we will be learning how to programme, playing Tag Rugby and Rounders and building bridges in D.T.


Tuesday and Thursday are our P.E days.

Homework is due in every Friday

Reading books need to be in school everyday. 


Spellings are tested weekly. 

Attached is a copy of all the spellings for children to learn in Year 5 and 6.

The Way The Truth and the Life

At St Clement's we follow 'The Way the Truth, The Life' scheme in RE. The children cover a different topic each Half Term as shown below.

Autumn 1 - Gifts of God

The topic is designed to allow children to explore how God creatwed the world and us. It encourages to think about ways we ought to be looking after the Earth and each other.

Autumn 2 - The Commandments 

This topic looks at the purpose of the ten commandments and their relevance in modern life. It also teaches us to reflect on promises we make and Jesus' role in our lives.

Spring 1 - Inspirational people 

This topic looks at what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It is designed to allow the children to reflect on what it means for them and learn about the Beatitudes show us the way to live.

Spring 2 - Reconciliation

Reconciliation focuses on understanding the impact of our choices and how we can seek forgiveness from God.

Summer 1 = Life in the Risen Lordthat it had.

Life in the Risen Lord allows us to explore what happened after Jesus was resurrected. We learn about who Jesus interacted with and the lasting impression 

Summer 2 - People of other faiths

This unit helps us to understand why other people have different beliefs, so that we can be more tolerant of others and promote British Values.

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