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Together in love and faith

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Y6's class page.

The children have been working very hard this year and our now in their last term at St Clement's. 

This page will be updated throughout the year but, as ever, if you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to speak to me at the start of the day or contact school.

Mrs Attwood :-)

New News

We now have two new teaching assistants now working in Y6 alongside myself and Mr Ray.

Mrs Owen will support Y6 Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Logan will support Y6 Thursday and Friday.  Mr Ray will continue to teach Y6 on a Wednesday.


PE Day - Wednesday and Friday. We will be doing Cricket and Tennis in the Summer term. 

Wednesday - Homework due in

Friday - Homework set 

Reading books need to be in school everyday.

Wonderful News in Year 6

We have enjoyed dance lessons with Miss Valentine and completed a series of dances to songs from The Greatest Showman.

We have been learning about WW2 in History and were emersed in the experience during a VR session experiencing life in WW2.

Y6 enjoy spending time with their buddies and have been teaching their buddies ball skills in PE.

Y6 were fantastic in the harvest festival dancing to Cotton Eye Joe. 


Our spellings will be following on from last year. We will also be learning Y5/Y6 words which are attached below.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

Our first test will be on Friday 13th October. Each set of spellings are attached below.

The Way, The Truth and The Life

At St Clement's we follow 'The Way the Truth, The Life' scheme in RE. The children cover a different topic each term as shown below.

Autumn 1 - The Kingdom of God

The topic is designed to allow children to explore what and where the Kingdom of God is, exploring parables and miracles of Jesus. We will also look at ways in which people responds to Jesus’ invitation to belong to his Kingdom.

Autumn 2 - Justice 

This topic is designed to teach the children what justice is and know that they are call to work for justice in the world. They will explore this through completing work on the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist as well as more modern day Christians like Oscar Romero. The children will also explore the meaning of Advent and what is associated with Advent and Christmas.

Spring 1 - Jesus, The bread of Life 

This topic is designed to allow children to explore what Jesus is the bread of likfe means for us.  They will explore what a convenant is and think about what our part it. As part of this unit they will explore the mass, undetstanding the Penitential Act and the Liturgy of the Word, thinking about what happens at the offertory. 

Summer 1 - 

The children will be introduced to Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God; a teaching central to his life and mission. They will be taught the concept of the Kingdom of God through some of the parables and miracles of Jesus and will explore the ways in which people respond to Jesus’ invitation to belong to his Kingdom.

Summer 2 - 

Important dates

Please keep an eye out for dates for the following this half term - 

Bikeability - 4th - 6th June - Letter to be emailed before half term.

Chemistry with Cabbage - Science investigations - 17th June 2024

Robinwood - Friday 28th June - Sunday 30th June. 

Leavers Mass -

Celebration assembly - 

Summer topics

In English we have been exploring The way of the Wolves creating our own discovery narratives. We used inspiration from David Attenborough from Planet Earth episodes.

In Maths we have been learning about properties of shape, ratio and proportion and statistics.

In Science we have been learning about electricity and light.  

In History we have been learning about Battle of Britain, continuing our work from Autumn about WW2.

Useful Documents & Letters

Please click on the links below to see further information about Year 6 and there is important information in our newsletter. 

Autumn Term topics

In English we will be exploring Rose Blanche, a story based around World War 2. We will then explore Anne Frank. We will be writing a diary entry and a bravery award speech.

In Maths we will be explore place value and the four operations. We will also be exploring arithmetic questions and how to apply operations to problems.

In Science we will be learning about Evolution. We will learn how animals and plants adapt to their surroundings. We will also learn about fossils and Charles Darwin. 

In Music we will be developing melody by listening, singing, playing, composing and performing. 

In Spanish we will be learning about how to say items 'At School'.


Spring/Summer -

I will set the children specific pages from the revision books to complete.

As it approaches SATs the children can use their revision books to complete pages from that they are not as confident with. 

Autumn/Spring -

Homework will be set weekly and it will be available for the children on DB primary that the children are familiar with using.

Year 6 may also be set timestables on TT Rockstars. If you child has lost their password then please let me know and I will give them it again.

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