Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr McClements
Mrs Mayers
Mrs Logan
Welcome to Year 4's class page.
So far this year we have engaged in a range of fun and exciting themes, events and our amazing residential to C.H.E.T., with many more exciting things still to come! You will continue to develop your understanding of all subjects, building upon prior learning, and getting hands on experiences. We will be taking learning outside the classroom were possible, inviting expert speakers in, as well as lots of fun themed days!
This term we are fortunate enough to be engaging with Forest school learning (the children have loved the sessions so far!). We are also going to have an external visitor to cook with us during our D.T. focus day. We are developing our knowledge of fractions and exploring twisted narratives in English. We have been exploring States of Matter in Science and coding in Computing (again the children loved this when we had a coding expert join us). We continue to develop our Times Table knowledge as this will put you in good standing for your future learning. The class are enjoying their Drumba lessons were they have the opportunity to lead the class as well!
As always, we want you to feel supported and part of our family to continue your educational journey, so please come and speak with us, our door is always open.
"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." – B.B. King
Keep up the great work, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help! We're all in this together.
P.E. days:
Tuesday - Drumba
Wednesday - Football
Forest school - Wednesday - Please remmeber wellies/alternative footwear as the ground can get quite muddy.
Reading - 10 minutes
Spelling - 10 minutes
Maths - 10 minutes Times Tables - Please focus on one Times Table in depth until your child is confident in this, then move onto the next
Year 4: News items
Book Fair, by Mrs McGarrigle
World Book Day 2025, by Mrs McGarrigle