EYFS 2024 - 2025
Mrs Totterdale
Mrs Darlington
Welcome to Reception Class!
Welcome back Reception Class! We have lots to look forward to this half term and are excited to continue our learning.
We will be continuing our phonics and reading journey, completing phase 3 with our scheme Ready Steady Phonics. We will also continue to develop our maths skills deepening our understanding of numbers 6 to 10, through Mastery in Number. In literacy we will be focussing on writing simple sentences using our phonic learning, as well as re-telling stories using intonation. Our first focus text will be 'The Elephant's Umbrella'. Our second focus text will be 'Chimpanzees' a National Geographic text, continuing our work on non-ficiton texts.
Our topics for this half term will be based around 'Hot places'. During our topics this half term the children will be focusing on the parts of the EYFS curriculum that link to Geography, DT, Computing and Science. We will invesigate floating and sinking, before applying our knowledge of materials to design and build umbreallas and bridges, linked to our literacy text. We will find out about the hot places in our world and compare these to the cold places we focussed on last half term. We will use the text 'Handa's surprise' as a starting point for looking at the continent of Afirca and then extend our learning through our literacy texts, to rainforests around the world.
Our RE topic will be 'Desert to Garden'. We will be embracing the season of Lent and the symbols we can see around us. We will be taking part both through our RE lessons and whole school events. We will have a focus on the events of Holy week and then move on to how we can see signs of new life all around us in Spring, linking this to Jesus' new life on Easter Sunday.
Please check your child's Seesaw account for updates on their individual learning and photos and videos of all the excting things they have been doing in school. All messages for parents and information about our class and curriculum will also be shared with you on Seesaw.
If you have any concerns or questions then please speak to us at the beginning or end of the day, email the school office or telephone Mrs Marnell to make an appointment.
Mrs Totterdale - Class Teacher
EYFS: News items
Book Fair, by Mrs McGarrigle
World Book Day 2025, by Mrs McGarrigle