At St Clement's, following the 2014 Maths National Curriculum, we aim to ensure that all children:
become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, recalling and applying knowledge and skills rapidly and accurately
can reason mathematically using mathematical language
can solve problems from a variety of scenarios and contexts with confidence and understanding.
Maths is essential is everyday life and we want to ensure that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths in the wider world and how they can use the knowledge and skills taught in a range of different contexts. At St Clement’s these skills are embedded within maths lessons and developed over time consistently across the school.
We follow the National Curriculum for Maths and in order to ensure this curriculum is covered in full and in manageable and logical steps, we follow Maths No Problem planning in KS1 and KS2. Our Reception class follow the Maths Mastery Approach which lends itself well to the teaching of Maths No Problem in KS1. The progression within Maths No Probem is clearly structured and available to see under our progression map on our maths curriculum web page.
Maths No Problem adopts a mastery approach and allows children to have a fluent knowledge and understanding of the number system with the ability to rapidly recall number facts, in addition to performing written and mental calculations efficiently. Children will develop these skills through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Through a broad range of skills in applying mathematics, they will solve real life problems and reason about mathematical concepts and make connections, allowing them to become mathematicians. We encourage the children to think independently and persevere, showing confidence in their success.
At St Clement’s, the majority of children will be taught the content from their year group and they will become absorbed in knowledge whilst learning in different ways. Children will be supported by teachers and teaching assistants where necessary.
For any extra information about our Maths curriculum,
our Maths Subject Leader is:
Mrs Attwood