Governing Body Role & Structure
The Governing Body is the school’s accountable body. We are responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. We aim to ensure that: (i) the teaching and practice of the Catholic faith plays a core role in the life of the school and underpins the school’s curriculum; (ii) each child receives a high quality and balanced programme of learning experiences, which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.
The Governing Body has the following core strategic functions:
Establishing the strategic direction
Ensuring accountability
Ensuring financial probity
Our Governing Body consists of 12 members as follows:
7 Foundation Governors (appointed by Shrewsbury Diocese)
1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by Halton BC)
2 Parent Governors (elected by parents)
1 Staff Governor (elected by staff)
1 Headteacher
The Governing Body currently meets each half-term and conducts all governance business. The only committees are Admissions and the HTs Performance Management which have their own terms of reference but no delegated authority. We also have nominated governors with specific responsibilities. For more information on individual governors, their responsibilities, register of interests and attendance record, please see the documents below. You are welcome to contact the Governing Body at any time through the school office, marking correspondence for the attention of the Chair of Governors – Mrs Michelle Buckley.