Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs McGarrigle
Mrs Austin
Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome back to your second term in Year 1! We have lots to look forward to this half term.
We will be continuing our phonics and reading journey, completing phase 5 with our scheme Ready Steady Phonics. We will also continue to develop our maths skills deepening our understanding of numbers to 20 and we will also be looking at 2D and 3D shapes. In English, we will be focussing on the story of Hermelin and Where the Wild Things Are.
In Science, we will continue our learning on Materials where we will build a house for the Three Little Pigs using suitable materials. In History, we will be thinking about the lives of significant people.
Our RE topic will be 'Galilee to Jerusalem'.
If you have any concerns or questions then please speak to us at the beginning or end of the day, email the school office or telephone Mrs Marnell to make an appointment.
Mrs McGarrigle :)
Year 1: News items
Year 1 Trip to Imagine That!, by Mrs McGarrigle
Book Fair, by Mrs McGarrigle
World Book Day 2025, by Mrs McGarrigle