St Clement's Primary is a Catholic School under the trusteeship of the Archdiocese of Shrewsbury. It is maintained by Halton Council. As a Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The co-ordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority.
Our normal admissions number is 30 and Reception applications are co-ordinated by the LA. In-year applications should be made directly to the school. Please download our Admissions and Arrangements Policy for further information on our admission criteria.
School hosts an Open Evening every year in early November, however if you miss this and would still like to look around our school a tour can easily be arranged by contacting our school office.
If you would like your child to move to St Clement's Catholic Primary School from another setting, this is referred to as In-year admission. We advise you contact the school office to see if there are any available places for the required year group. An application form should be completed and sent to the school office. If a place is available, school will make contact with you to arrange a meeting to discuss the move in more detail. If there is no place available, you will receive a letter stating this and your child's details will be added to our waiting list.
If you wish to appeal against a decision, you can do so by contacting Halton Borough Council.
For further information on appeals for school places, please visit Halton Borough Council website.
Secondary School places for September 2025
Halton Borough Council is responsible for the administration of the admissions process. Parents and Carers must complete a preference form online at, which will issue an e-receipt email to you.
Online applicants can login to view the outcome of their application on 1st March 2025.
Parents and Carers of pupils from other local authorities should complete their own local authority form, but may include Halton schools as preferences on their form.