School Uniform


At St. Clement’s we are very proud of the smart appearance of our children and the high standard of school uniform. The Governing Body reviewed the uniform policy for 2022 in line with the latest DfE statutory guidance. That includes uniform being affordable, minimising branded items and providing second hand uniform. Governors also decided to have a single uniform requirement for boys and girls. Branded items can be bought from Laser School Wear in Runcorn or Boydells in Widnes. or Kits for All in Widnes. For more information see the uniform policy.

Specific Requirements:

  • Blue shirt

  • School tie (from school office)

  • Grey trousers or skirt or pinafore dress

  • Burgundy jumper or cardigan (branded with school logo)

  • White / grey /burgundy socks or grey tights

  • Smart black shoes

The following items are optional and may be worn in the summer term:

  • Grey shorts

  • Official striped burgundy dress or blue chequered dress

  • PE Kit: burgandy t-shirt with school logo and plain black shorts; trainers are needed for outside games